Analogy Generation to Digital

The first thing that comes to my mind when I want to write is a quiet space and uninterrupted time. The best place I think is a hill station or a village setup. Thankfully, I have the option to choose on fingertips through apps that could help in selection mode of travel, cozy accommodation and food.

The place I reside isn’t a hill station hence I would need some warm clothes. While I take my morning and evening strolls during my stay in hill stations I might bump upon joggers or walkers. I like to socialise hence something to giveaway needs to be picked up. One might wonder, what a solo trip to plan? This list could be as overwhelming as a family trip. The mental points of daily activities that were analogy getting replaced by digital.

At work, one of the interns wears a digital watch that keeps him updated on calories burnt, heart beat rate, social updates, call receiver option and so on. Youngsters like to integrate technology in their daily activities. In other words the mental points are in digital format. Do schools and higher education help kids and youngsters in helping usage of technology? I have my doubts! Nomenclature such as 1st Standard (Grade 1), 2nd Standard (Grade 2) and so on rely heavily on analogy formats that are restricted to chalkboards and memorisation.

The National Education Policy 2020 addresses these challenges where the emphasis is on skillful learning not a mere memorisation. The idea behind this policy is to help everyone to embrace and take advantage of technology ethically. No more choice or argument of analogy versus digital. Its going to be a must!

As I write this piece of article on a paper and eventually move to a blog as you read. My thinking at times is no different than analogy generation but I have learned to embrace the futuristic options through the digital world.