QtQuiz 2 Winner

On 19th Feb QtPi Student Ambassador, Mr. Namit Shrivastava had a question - What happens when Earth stops rotating?  

Mr. Namit, Quiz Master led a session with other students ambassador to see their views through a discussion. The objective of QtQuiz is designed to help reasoning, critical thinking, logical deduction and fun. Listen to a wonderful fun-filled conversation among the students ambassadors!

click here : https://bit.ly/2MxoxPq

QtQuiz 2 Q & A conversation by Quiz Master Namit and QtPi students ambassador

Navneet Kumar, Congratulations, please connect us at santa(at)qtpi.in ; we would like to share the details on the next process of sharing e-certificate and QtPi Voucher. We will also connect through the comment section.

We also like to thank people who have participated and the winner is picked by the Quiz Master, Mr. Namit.