QtQuiz 4: A lesson on curiosity by Ahlada & Rakhee

Philosophically curiosity is a gift and it is evident from Biblical writing of Genesis 3, where Eve is tempted to try the forbidden fruit. And this is linked in knowing good and evil. According to an author Dr. Cyndi Burnett calls curiosity: This skill is about reinforcing the internal urge to learn. There are two ways to reinforce - internally (pull) and externally (push). Whenever a kid or an adult says, I am passionate or I love doing it, it's internal. Whereas a push or reward is a way to get one interested is external. The internal one is a rewarding and pleasurable experience whereas external could last for a limited time frame.

Master Ahlada, QtQuiz 4 Master had incorporated a curiosity element. Before arriving at the Quiz question he spent time by asking general closed-ended questions that everyone has an answer. After each question, he made a point to collect the answer by saying “OK”. For the Quiz question, he allowed a poll and a time bound to write down their reasons for the poll option. I witnessed that the quiz question was led through a series of simpler questions interwoven and relatable. Through a series of questions he built confidence among the participants. This didn’t stop here, after the discussion, Master Ahlada called out for a ‘Model Curiosity’, to try the experiment on the spot. This was a pleasurable experience of witness model curiosity where all participants readily agreed to try out! Not that everyone succeeded the impromptu experiment but they must have realised a new discovery with several observations of their own and others. Master Ahlada’s recorded version presented a successful experiment but whereas the impromptu experiment buckled out because of an error. The expression of trying and failing because of mistakes was so well received among all. I see such activities will help kids to accept and understand the messages behind making mistakes. After all problem solving involves iterations!

#QtQuiz Episode 4 On 5th March QtPi Student Ambassador, Mr. Ahlada N M  had a question - What happens when we turn upside down a glass full of water covered with a cardboard?

Mr. Ahlada, Quiz Master led a session with other students ambassador to see their views through a discussion. The objective of QtQuiz is designed to help reasoning, critical thinking, logical deduction and fun. Listen to a wonderful fun-filled conversation among the students ambassadors!

We also like to thank people who have participated. The result of winner will be announced on 11th March picked by the Quiz Master, Mr. Ahlada.

QtQuiz 4 by QtPi student ambassador and Quiz Master Ahlada N M


  1. Weaving Creativity into Every Strand of Your Curriculum, Dr. Cyndi Burnett & Julia Figliotti