Which coding language should I start to learn?

As a beginner coding can seem a little complicated, but when you are through you might as well make it your hobby .


“Talk is cheap, show me the code.”

-Linus Torvalds


There’s always C, C++ followed by java scripting, but Python is a fun programming language to learn initially. The language reads like English and is easy to comprehend for a beginner. Also it doesn’t have strict syntax rules.


On the other hand we have Ruby which is quite easy to learn and is also a pretty clean small language. The one part that's kinda different are Ruby's blocks and Procs, but once you’re familiar then there's not much different from Ruby than, say, Python or Perl.

Though they call the language “dying”, Ruby just got a recent minor update to 2.7 with a 1.7x increase in performance and is expecting a major update added to Ruby 3 in 2020. Ruby on Rails is not dead, it's evolving.


But it's always recommended to start with the c languages ava, one because you should be aware of them two because they are considered the basics. They say the language is compact and efficient .

‌‌However the choice you make should be relevant for your purpose of learning it.

Code to think. Code to play.

Happy coding:)
